
Expansive Life - WOMEN’S CIRCLES

Expansive Life is a group facilitation where women join together in supportive circles with a purpose of creating deep connection, empowering each other and learning how to step into their innate feminine intuitive power to live their expansive life.

Together, we will explore different topics relevant to what it means to be a woman in today’s world. Participants will share experiences, strengths and vulnerabilities as they cultivate personal growth.


How It Works

Six 120-minute weekly Zoom video calls led by two Leadership & Life Coaches.

Monthly topics are predefined, while the space is still open for participants to share topics relevant to their everyday lives.

A WhatsApp support group will also be provided for continued connection. Through this platform, we will communicate updates and announcements around the group. Additionally, inspirational resources may be provided by the co-leaders that may supplement the topics we are focusing on during group meetings. We also invite you to share any resources you feel are beneficial to the group.



Next Circle: Running February 21st - March 28th 2021

Leaders: Dalia & Leilani

Dates & Time: Sundays 18:00 – 20:00 GMT+2 / 17:00 - 19:00 CET /11:00 - 13:00 EST

Feb 21 — The Power of Vulnerability

Feb 28 — Releasing Your Old Story

March 7 — Unapologetic Self Care

March 14 Embracing Your Intuition

March 21 — Asking for Help As a Strength

March 28 — Celebrating Me and We




Optional: Individual coaching sessions with co-leaders during the 3 months at a 20% discount. If interested, please write to us directly by email at dalia@daliaalmahmood.com.


Your Leaders


Dalia Al Mahmood

Dalia empowers others to live a life they find inspiring by enabling self-awareness so clients have more choice to move forward purposefully. With her background in education and training as well business development, Dalia has designed and led programs, projects and business development initiatives within universities, startups, multinationals, non-profit organizations, and in the F&B industry.  

As a Leadership and Life Coach, Dalia helps individuals and organizations define and set their goals, as well as take the necessary steps to reach their full potential and achieve their visions. Dalia is a firm believer in creating impact and supports young and mid-career professionals to lead in their lives consciously. 



Adamant shifter of status quo, Nada believes that clarity comes from action. With Masters in Communication Science, she has spent over a decade challenging corporate environments and their rigidity to embrace creativity, innovation and transparent communication.  

Her work as a professional leadership coach has led her explore different ways of connecting to our most courageous, truthful selves and it is as well how she discovered the immense power of embodiment. This apparently simple ritual of zooming inwards and surrendering to the wisdom of our bodies through movement is the fastest way, she found, to connect to what we call our soul. By opening yourself up more to the innate knowing of your body, you will create congruency with other centers of your knowing; your mind and your heart, all in the service of feeling completely and truly whole.



Leilani’s purpose is to inspire others to own their raw truth & claim their power thus creating magical possibilities. She helps align people with their truest selves so they can make better action-oriented choices that lead to an extraordinary full life. She currently holds dual roles as Head of Talent Acquisition for a tech start up based in New York and as a Co-Active trained and certified Coach.

People have always been her passion. Her deep intuition and sharp instincts have paved the way for her corporate career success and her love of learning and connection have brought her to this path of coaching and leadership. Because of this she truly understands the human psyche and is able to quickly recognize how and when people make themselves small.


janet | Canada

Alignment Coach & Yoga Instructor

“Dalia’s direct yet tender life coaching is deep rooted in immersing the individual in the the body, mind and soul through a skillful use of coaching techniques, Dalia is an artist in motion when coaching you!

Nada is a breath of fresh air! Her ethereal energy and her grounding spirit foster deep personal growth while her skillful coaching fosters holistic transformations.

Leilani is filled with soulful  teachings, a sense of humour and compassion. Through her life coaching she takes you to deep transformations while leaving you feeling safe and supported. You will be transformed from a rough stone to a precious diamond.

Nada, Dalia and Leilani together make anything possible! They leave you feeling oxygenated and ready to take on the world.”

Latifa | Kuwait

Financial/ Strategic Planning Manager

“Participating in the Women's Circle while having Dalia, Nada, and Leilani as coaches has definitely been an outstanding experience. They created a safe zone where we learned different tools to trust our intuition, understand the power of vulnerability, embrace self love, and get in touch with our femininity. I had the pleasure to meet a wonderful diverse group of women from all across the globe. We connected on a deep level and held space for each other. There is something magical and inspiring about hearing other women's stories and having the opportunity to share mine. It has truly helped me blossom. I am happy to have this experience with me for the rest of my life and I am forever grateful.”


Creative Life & Leadership Coach

“Dalia and Nada opened a transformational space for female souls to share their truth openly and unapologetically. I felt deeply connected to freedom, empowerment and love and the permission to be my fully expressed wildly feminine self. What a huge gift this is and one that I would recommend every female experiencing for herself.”

Daniela | Netherlands

SOPS Supervisor

“I lost a friend not long time ago and I was holding my emotions inside (without being aware of it) , during one of the sessions, I opened up and lot of pain and sorrow was processed, it was a healing journey for me. One of my breakthroughs was realization about my boundaries, I started to be more aware of my time and how I want to spend it. I want to thank you for a beautiful connection and bond that was co- created among our group and that our leaders were there for us and provided the support and guidance needed. I feel energized and ready for another step(s).”


Director of Consulting

“Dalia, Leilani and Nada are incredible loving, supportive and powerful coaches. These amazing women create the space that allow us to go deep and experience true transformation.”

Migena | Denmark

Leadership & Executive Coach

“Nada and Dalia are gifted as co-leaders. They create such a safe, trusted space where I felt held, seen, understood, empowered and inspired. They both are guardians of truth and love - they do it in such a loving, gentle and courageous way. They both led the circle in such a beautiful effortless dance and am so grateful to have experienced this. It created for me a space where I could push my boundaries, explore freely and figure out what is my way.  I loved their creativity, presence and playfulness in leading us. I wish every woman have a Nada and Dalia in their lives!”